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Compare PEO v Umbrella

How much could your business save by converting from Umbrella to PEO? Will you use that saving to improve your gross margins or as a lure to better attract contractors?

Use the tool to find your sweet spot. Simply complete the fields in the left hand panel to calculate the savings on the right side panel.

Top tip: use the slider to find the right combination of margin improvement & contractor net pay.

Assignment Rate  
Umbrella rate including holiday:
Is the rate hourly or daily:
How many per week:
Weeks worked per annum:
Umbrella margin per week:
Contractor Numbers  
How many are paid per week?
Contractor's Taxable Wages Umbrella PEO
Taxable rate per inc holiday £0.00 £0.00
Taxable rate per week inc holiday £0.00 £0.00
Weekly cost £0.00 £0.00
VAT (Joint-Employment) £0.00 £0.00
Best Product   PEO
Max agency saving per contractor per week  
Cashflow saving per contractor per week  
Total weekly agency saving with contractors
Total weekly cashflow saving with contractors
Percentage of saving to give back to the contractor
Weekly saving:
Weekly cashflow saving:
Contractor weekly take-home:
Contractor weekly saving:
Old Rate
New Rate
Please note, standard 2020/2021 tax code used for contractor take-home tax calculations. All limits, percentages and thresholds are correct for 2020/2021