
Please check and fill out as much of this form below as you can, to ensure you get paid as quickly as possible. Once submitted, a member of our Registrations Team will be in touch with you. If you do not know all the answers, do not worry, we can talk you through it, just submit it as best as you can.

Personal Details
Middle Names
If you would like to be called something else when we talk to you, such as a shortened name (Jonathan to John), enter it here
Or Landline Telephone
Postcode  Lookup Address
DOB  dd/mm/yy
NI Number 
Preferred Contact
Refer A Friend Code
If you have been sent or given a code from a friend you should use it here as it will generate you 1000 bonus My Wallet points when you first get paid! You can create your own Refer A Friend code and start earning your own rewards once you are a live contractor with People Group Services.
Your Agency
This is important, please make sure this is filled out correctly
Merco Medical Limited
If not found: 
Bank Details
Bank/Building Society Name
Account Name
Account No
Sort Code
CIS Registration Required:  
Your Occupation
Or use a quick link:
Teacher | TA | TA2 | TA3 | TA5 | Nurse | Builder
Public Sector
When do you expect to start work? 
Payment Details
Please choose the answer below that matches your current circumstances

Upload Compliance Documents

What is required 

Identity - Two proofs of address (dated within the last three months) and one photographic identity document.

Right to work –  A passport or national identity card,  a british birth certificate,  share code or a biometric residence permit/card.

Proof of National insurance number. – P60, payslip or national insurance card/letter

Submit Your Registration